- New
Zapatillas de Seguridad Quantum Ligeras y Cómodas
Calzado de seguridad deportivo que redefine el estilo del antiguo zapato de seguridad pesado y robusto. Con estas zapatillas obtendrás la ligereza que buscas en un zapato de trabajo y una comodidad extrema gracias a su suela Max Sfot 720 y su forro High Dry. Zapatillas de seguridad pensadas para ofrecer la máxima absorción de impactos y retorno de energía, resistentes al agua y con protección textil. Pensada para trabajos en la industria, sanidad y trabajos de alto nivel de exigencia. Hazte con tus zapatillas Quantum y no padezcas más en el trabajo.
- Certification
- Soles
- Rubber + PU
- Lining/Insole Technology
- Cutting Technology
- Material Exterior
- Rejilla con refuerzos en TPU
- Normativa
- EN ISO 20345
- Technology Resistors
- Technology Soles
- Linea
It is beneficial for footwear to be worn regularly, so it will always be ready to travel a thousand roads with you. As much as possible, try to keep it away from extreme cold and heat, hostile environments that can damage it, and avoid submerging it in water for prolonged times.
When your shoes are dirty it's time to bring back their best face. Never wash it in a washing machine, or dry cleaning, as it could be destroyed. Use instead a special cleaner or neutral detergent, and a damp cloth or soft brush.
We recommend that as soon as you use them, clean them properly, and place them in a space where they can be ventilated for 1 hour to extract excess moisture. If the storage is going to be larger, do not store it in plastic bags, as mold could appear.
Don't throw your shoes in the trash. You have the option to transform it into other objects, or give it a second life. From the clothing container or donations to associations, old shoes are destined for second-hand stores, sold to recycling companies or exported.
You have 30 days from receipt of your order to process an exchange or return
Changes: If you want to make a size change, you just have to contact us via email paredesonline@paredes.es or phone 966 630 052, inform us about the change and from PAREDES we will send back to the transport agency with your new order and pick up the previous one.
Returns: You have 30 days from receipt of your order to make any return. To do this, you can request free home collection and we will send a carrier to pick up your package. Request the collection through paredesonline@paredes.es or by phone 966 630 052.
*As soon as we verify the status of the returned items we will send you an email to inform you and we will proceed to make the return through the same payment method used in the purchase.
Standard home delivery:
- Shipping cost: Free for orders over € 20 but the cost is € 5 in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
- Delivery time Between 48 and 72 hours.
Prices are per request and include VAT.
Based on 2
Ligeras, super cómodas, resistentes al agua, con la puntera que no pita al pasar el control de seguridad y con un S3. Así que perfecto.
Las noto cómodas y bastante ligeras, aunque necesito tiempo para saber si son buenas o no.